Femme Fatale Cosmetics’ City Ruinous face color review

Posted on Friday, at bought • 814 views

  • Manufacturer: Femme Fatale Cosmetics
  • Availability: part of the regular line; released in the Narnia Collection
  • Description: dusty medium-violet satin
  • Cost/Amount: AUD$9.08 for 2 grams
  • Would you purchase again: yes
Femme Fatale Cosmetics’ City Ruinous face color

Yep. It's another purple face color…but unlike so many of the purples that I've featured as face colors, this really doesn't work too well as a blush on me. It's a bit too smoky, a bit too greyed. It works (sort of) as a lighter, cooler contouring shade. Sort of.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

A montage of three images: top left, close-up of the face color in the pot; top right, the face color patted loosely over primer, to better show the shade and properties; and below, the color applied to the cheeks.

This also works decently on my eyes, either as a soft base color or as a blending shade. Using it to blend colors can be dicey, though - only use it with cool, deep jeweltones, and be careful that you haven't got too much of the actual colors in the mix, or you may end up with a muddy mess rather than the artful blending you're going for.

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