Aromaleigh: In tune with the cosmos (and there’s proof!!)

Posted on Thursday, at • 255 views

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The site is in mid-migration now (manual migration of over 7,000 entries, so there's a lot to be done.) The entry stubs are created for older content, but for the most part, the actual content isn't there quite yet. I am working on it. Unfortunately I have no ETA. But feel free to link to any page! When the content does get populated, the URL will stay the same.

Aromaleigh: In tune with the cosmos (and there’s proof!!)

Small amusing note before I go running back to the tasks of the day:

Kirsten Leigh of Aromaleigh is having a birthday today. She's also releasing the new butterfly-themed collection some time this week (or early next week - there are preview pictures on her site.)

Today's astronomy photo of the day, from the first shots by the newly-revamped Hubble telescope, include this gem:

(Click to embiggen. A lot.)

Ladies and gentlemen, NGC 6302 - the Butterfly Nebula - found in a constellation far far away (Scorpius, not Virgo), and presented in pretty pretty detail today, September 10 (after Hubble got its latest round of repairs.)

(The timing of this photo's release, plus its subject matter, plus the inspiration for the upcoming limited-edition Aromaleigh all comes together so perfectly, it makes me smile. And the geeky angle is just a big ol' plus in my book, even if most of Aromaleigh v1's customers might not care quite so much.)

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