When Available: originally released at various times in various years; made available "from the vault" in May 2010
Description: several eyeshadows
Cost/Amount: USD$6 for a 5-gram jar
Would you purchase again: yes
In May 2010, Aromaleigh v1 had a second “garage sale” to clear out old inventory - including shadows from previous LE collections that had not “made the cut” to become permanent, a few shadows here and there left over from older collections, and so forth. The shadows went for $6 per 5-gram jar - which included the shipping costs. I got a few jars, but also hit some of the “clearance” jars from 2009 LEs.
The other colors available included:
Allspice — deep copper brown sparkle(from the Holiday 2008 kit)
Blossom — dusty rose with gold shimmer (from the Midsummer Night's Dream collection)
Butterscotch — golden-peach pink shimmer (from the Holiday 2008 kit)
Call Me! — mauve-berry shimmer (from the Valentine 2005 kit)
Cassia — deep lilac gold shimmer(from the Holiday 2006 kit)
Cupcake — candy pink sparkle (from the Valentine 2007 kit)
Eggnog — golden cream shimmer (from the Holiday 2005 kit)
Elfin — cocoa taupe with turquoise shimmer (from the Midsummer Night's Dream collection)
Evergreen — blackened evergreen shimmer (from the Holiday 2005 kit)
Fairy — taupe with golden-green shimmer (from the Midsummer Night's Dream collection)
Flirt A Little — smoky red-mocha sparkle (from the Valentine 2005 kit)
Flora — medium-deep purple with rose-purple shimmer (from the Midsummer Night's Dream collection)
Frankincense — blackened plum shimmer (from the Holiday 2006 kit)
Gingerbread — rose taupe shimmer(from the Holiday 2006 kit)
Grace — green-brown with blue-green shimmer (from the Midsummer Night's Dream collection)
Helena — pumpkin-orange with rose-gold shimmer (from the Midsummer Night's Dream collection)
Hermia — rose-mauve shimmer (from the Midsummer Night's Dream collection)
Jellybean — mauve rose shimmer (from the Valentine 2007 kit)
Lolita — heathered mauve matte (from the Gothic Lolita You're A Doll collection)
Lollipop — medium lilac shimmer (from the Valentine 2007 kit)
Maiden — dusty pink with gold shimmer (from the Midsummer Night's Dream collection)
Mistletoe — blackened red shimmer (from the Holiday 2005 kit)
Mulberry — vivid purple sparkle (from the Holiday 2008 kit)