Aromaleigh v1’s Sinisterrouge blush review

Posted on Sunday, at bought • 817 views

  • Manufacturer: Aromaleigh
  • Availability: part of the Rocks! Sonic Rouge collection
  • Description: deep burgundy satin
  • Cost/Amount: USD$8.50 for 3 grams. 1/4-teaspoon sample for $2.00
  • Would you purchase again: yes
Aromaleigh v1’s Sinisterrouge blush

I'll have to be careful to see that I don't apply this too heavily. It's a deeper red, and I can see myself applying it too heavily, too easily. Definitely will need either a fiber optic or a fan brush for this - something synthetic so that the bristles only hold the smallest amount of the powder. Possibly this under Present, to pink it up a bit and brighten? Or even that inexpensive blue-iridescent-interference face powder I got at Icing in early 2008?

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

A montage of three images: top left, close-up of the face color in the pot; top right, the face color patted loosely over primer, to better show the shade and properties; and below, the color applied to the cheeks.

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or look at other entries tagged with blush, Brand: Aromaleigh, discontinued, face color, red, satin, warm


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