Aromaleigh v1’s Wildflower blush review

Posted on Wednesday, at bought • 801 views

  • Manufacturer: Aromaleigh
  • Availability: part of the Rocks! Sonic Rouge collection
  • Description: bright purple wine satin
  • Cost/Amount: USD$8.50 for 3 grams. 1/4-teaspoon sample for $2.00
  • Would you purchase again: yes
Aromaleigh v1’s Wildflower blush

When the company was up and open and business-as-usual, no closure news loomed on the horizon, I decided against this blush color. Yes, I gravitate toward cooler blushes; and I love Aromaleigh v1's Borealis which is too purple for some folks to use, even if it is a pale purple. But this…I couldn't think of a way that I could safely wear this one. So I left it be. Then HovercatMittens posted looks on her blog where she used this blush, and it looked fantastic!! Her coloring isn't very similar - I have blue eyes, hers are rich brown; I have blonde-ish hair, she's a definite brunette; I think her skintone might be a little darker than mine, -=but=- she has cool undertones. (And this color, along with everything else in Aromaleigh v1's inventory, was on deep discount.)

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

A montage of three images: top left, close-up of the face color in the pot; top right, the face color patted loosely over primer, to better show the shade and properties; and below, the color applied to the cheeks.

This applies less heavily and less obviously than Sinisterrouge (my other final-blush purchase from Aromaleigh.) I think I can get some interesting effects - and have best success with this color - if I both apply it softly, and layer it with paler pinks or corals to mute and soften the purple.

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