BBAC 2012: Day 16 - CoverGirl’s Liperfection Jumbo Gloss Balms review

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BBAC 2012: Day 16 - CoverGirl’s Liperfection Jumbo Gloss Balms

I read about these over on NouveauCheap, and was looking forward to trying them out. I spotted a stand at my local regional-chain drugstore the other day, and got three of them. I wanted to see how they compared to Revlon's Just Bitten Kissable Balmstains. I got three colors: Hot Pink, Watermelon, and a medium-deep red color that I think might be Coral, but in their infinite wisdom CoverGirl decided that we don't need to be able to find the names of the colors once we unwrap them. (Seriously - the color name is on the plastic sanitary heat-shrink wrapping, and no where else on the product tube. There are numbers on the bottom of the tube, in black ink on a clear label.)</p>

Pricewise, they're very similar to Revlon's. Size-wise, they're just a little bit shorter, but not too much. Both Revlon and CoverGirl dispense more product in the same way, by twisting on the bottom of the tube. The initial color range is somewhat similar, with a few more light pinks and browns than the peachy shades that are in Revlon's lineup. The packaging for CoverGirl's Lipsurgence Gloss Balms looks a bit more polished than the Revlon pencil-tubes, but the lack of the actual color name printed anywhere on the product…is kind of irritating.

The CoverGirl product is not as firm as the Revlon balmstains. The color payoff is also lessened a bit. Application is fairly smooth, but I had to apply more product to get a similar color payoff. That is the biggest note of caution I can give to everyone: these are not color stains, they're just tinted balms. I wore the Hot Pink gloss balm for the better part of a day, and had to touch up several times. If you're expecting a lipstain with some properties of a lip balm, then you'll want to stick with Revlon. If you want more of a tinted balm experience…bluntly, there are less expensive ways to get it.

I do hope that Revlon expands the range of the Just Bitten Balmstains just a bit - adding a few more color options would be nice. And based on my comparisons of Revlon's Just Bitten Kissable Lip Stains to CoverGirl's Outlast Lipstains (packaging remarkably similar to the Just Bitten Kissable Lip Stains) I'm going to guess that CoverGirl's options will not add a better color payoff or color longevity. I could be wrong about that, of course. I also think that the two products will have some appeal-overlap, in that some people will honestly not have a strong preference for one or the other. They're available in the same stores, the price point is about the same, and they're very similar in application method, dispensing, and soforth. People who strongly prefer one or the other will want different things out of this type of a product. I prefer lip colors that are non-drying, have a good color payoff, and that I don't have to retouch very often.

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