Posted on Saturday, at • bought • 625 views
I've become a nail polish fiend over the past few years, after decades of barely caring. I've tried several brands, and while I long had a love affair with Zoya polishes, they got edged out this past year by Sally Hansen's Complete Salon Manicure line.
When I first tried them, in 2009/2010, the polishes didn't impress me. Sure the brush was nice, it painted your whole nail right up to the cuticle without slopping polish all over your fingers. And the brush was dense enough so that polish was applied evenly and smoothly without endless games of “how much pressure is enough/too much.” The bottles were a good shape, rounded so you could hold a bottle without cutting into your palm, but not completely round so if one tipped over, it wouldn't go rolling across the floor. Unfortunately, the polish - the actual reason for buying the bottle - was not that great. The polishes didn't always stay in place very long, despite their being marketed as a base coat, strengthener, color, and top coat all in one. There were a few very notable hits - the original Hidden Treasure, anyone? - but most of the CSM polishes that I tried didn't encourage me to try many more.
Then, sometime in 2011, the whole line was was reformulated.
Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches
The reformulated polishes apply just a little bit easier (they applied pretty well before), and they're definitely sturdier. I still tend to use a separate base and top coat, because I tend to be pretty hard on my nails; but even when I don't, the CSM polishes last a long time, and when it does chip, it's very small and usually pretty easily repaired. No more peeling away in great sheets, like some of the first-wave CSM polishes did!
There have been a few expansions to the line, along with regular releases of limited-edition collections. I hope that they keep expanding the line, and hope that they decide to go back and resurrect some of the LE polishes and make them permanent!
Now that Zoya appears to be poised to bump its per-bottle price up from $8 to $9, I think I'll be buying less Zoya and more Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure polishes.
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