#bbloggers visitors for February 5, 2012

Posted on Sunday, at • 258 views

Please pardon the gaps...

The site is in mid-migration now (manual migration of over 7,000 entries, so there's a lot to be done.) The entry stubs are created for older content, but for the most part, the actual content isn't there quite yet. I am working on it. Unfortunately I have no ETA. But feel free to link to any page! When the content does get populated, the URL will stay the same.

#bbloggers visitors for February 5, 2012

Want me to check out your blog? Then leave a link here (post only open for 2 days) and over the next week I'll go visiting. As an extra plus, any other visitors from #bbloggers can also see links collected in one place. (Beauty/fashion blogs only, please. If you blog primarily about cooking, crafts, your cats, gaming, or anything else, your link won't be listed here. You can comment on just about any other post - but real comments, please not drive-bys.) I'll visit your blog a few times, and when I've decided that I want to keep visiting regularly I'll add it to my blogroll. (After last week's chat, I added five to my regular rotation. It usually takes me a few weeks to decide if I'm going to add someone to my blogroll or not - so if I don't add you immediately, it's nothing personal. Everyone has a different style of blog that they prefer to read, and a different style of blog that they prefer to write.)

If you'd like to start following my blog, choose whichever method that works best for you: my direct RSS feed, Facebook, Google Reader (you'll have to add me manually), Google+, Twitter, Bloglovin, Pinterest, and more.

Some information is right in the comment link; but leave me some more in the comment itself. Let me know:

  • your Twitter handle
  • your Pinterest name (or if you want me to send you a Pinterest invite!)
  • what's your most recent new beauty purchase? That is, a new-to-you item, not a refill of an eyeshadow, or a replacement for your now-empty foundation

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