CND’s Vinylux Couture Covet (200) review

Posted on Wednesday, at bought • 1683 views

  • Manufacturer: CND (Creative Nail Design)
  • Availability: part of the Vinylux collection; released as part of the Contradictions collection
  • Description: deep teal-blue creme
  • Cost/Amount: USD$9.90 for 15 ml / .5 fl oz
  • Would you purchase again: yes
CND’s Vinylux Couture Covet (200)

A wonderful fall color…and a great shade! Unlike some deep purples or blues that are so dark they may as well be “black with hints of”, this is more like an extremely saturated deep teal. It’s dark, but it isn’t black. The polish goes on very clean and smooth, no problems with thickness or uneven coverage. The first coat was nearly opaque, but not quite as even as I’d like - and the first coat of a manicure is just supposed to be laying down a base anyway, not being fully done with a single coat.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

Close-up photo of the middle three fingernails of the left hand, showing the nail color applied. The left hand holding a bottle of nail polish and displaying all manicured fingernails, with 2 coats of CND's Vinylux Couture Covet Four fingers in a row, resting on the thumb, with all nails displaying 2 coats of CND's Vinylux Couture Covet

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