Color Club’s Smooth Move review with photos

Posted on Wednesday, at bought • 1430 views

  • Manufacturer: Color Club
  • Availability: part of the Oil Slick 2019 collection
  • Description: pale pink pearl
  • Cost/Amount: USD$10 for 15 ml / .5 fl oz
  • Would you purchase again: yes
All of the entries for the year 2020 were completed before March 2020. Most items were bought in, or before, 2019. And so, despite the pandemic where buying makeup is definitely a lower priority, I'm still publishing these posts.
Color Club’s Smooth Move

The description sounds kind of bland, and honestly this is one of the least exciting Oil Slick colors. The pearl is a pale blue, and I occasionally see flashes of light green at certain angles. That gives the pale pink a nice distinction. Another potential downside for this polish is that I had to use three coats to get rid of all traces of VNL. I think that I’ll use this under thicker-lined black-polish nail art. The effects will look that much better through the “bars” of the nail art. Possibly I can do some tone-on-tone stuff too, if I find just the right pattern. (I think that Born Pretty has a lighter pink stamping polish - I’ll have to check that out and confirm.)

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

Close-up photo of the middle three fingernails of the left hand, showing 3 coats of Color Club's Smooth Move polish. The left hand holding a bottle of nail polish and displaying all manicured fingernails, with 3 coats of Color Club's Smooth Move polish. Four fingers in a row, resting on the thumb, with all nails displaying 3 coats of Color Club's Smooth Move polish. Four fingers held at various angles, with all nails displaying 3 coats of Color Club's Smooth Move polish.

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