Crown Brush’s Deluxe Crease Brush (SS012) review with photos

Posted on Friday, at bought • 289 views

  • Manufacturer: Crown Brush
  • Availability: part of the Syntho Brush Series collection
  • Description:
  • Cost/Amount: USD$5.00
  • Would you purchase again: yes
Crown Brush’s Deluxe Crease Brush (SS012)

I don't know why I keep buying crease brushes. With my hooded lids, any eyeshadow that I apply into my crease is completely hidden when my eyes are opened! I can and do use this for applying eyeshadows into my outer crease, but I also use it for microblending, or for applying highlighter around my eyes (under my brow, inner vee, the C-curve of my eye socket.)

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

Crown Brush’s Deluxe Crease Brush (SS012) Detail photo of the brush head. The bristles are black, just under a centimeter long, and the brush head is domed.

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