Dawn Eyes Cosmetics’ The Premiums collection review

Posted on Tuesday, at bought • 1623 views

  • Manufacturer: Dawn Eyes Cosmetics
  • Availability: available beginning in February 2016; part of the regular line
  • Description: 7 eyecolors
  • Cost/Amount: USD$18.00 for 1.2 grams; $3.50 for a 1/8 teaspoon sample baggie
  • Would you purchase again: yes
Dawn Eyes Cosmetics’ The Premiums collection

I love multichromes! I get so excited about multichrome eyeshadows or nail polishes…and then get so let down when they turn out to be sheer, need four coats to see the multichromatic effects, or need a certain product to make the colorshifts more visible than “a hint”. When I first saw posts about the Premium eyeshadows from Dawn Eyes Cosmetics, I thought: there’s got to be a catch. Do you have to use a glitter glue? Do they not appear to have a colorshift unless the light angle is extreme? Turns out…nope, no catch. The colorshift is definitely visible, and I got a smooth-finish multichrome using water and a brush.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

Four eyeshadows, swatched: Alluring, Captivating, Enchanting, and Fantastical Three eyeshadows, swatched: Magical, Mystical, and Ravishing Seven tall eyeshadow swatches to show the colorshift: Alluring, Captivating, Enchanting, Fantastical, Magical, Mystical, and Ravishing

The website is offputting because it has a very 1990s layout. It definitely is not responsive! (I dread trying to view that site on my mobile phone - actually, I haven't even tried.) But the vendor at least does a heroic job of showcasing these multichromatic colors, both on an eyelid (with slight shifts in posture to demonstrate the shifting) and with YouTube videos of larger spots on a forearm, letting customers see them under standard indoor lighting and under outdoor lighting/direct sun. They cost more than most indie eyeshadows, and a LOT more than many eyeshadows on her own site; but the 5-gram jars come packed utterly full, and you get the same intensity of effect whether you use a darker-colored base or regular eyeshadow primer.

Dawn Eyes Cosmetics' Premiums collection

Some of the colors display more multichromatic effects. Captivating only moves along the blue spectrum, so its shifts are nowhere near as dramatic as Alluring or Magical, or even Mystical (which is primarly a cool-multichrome shadow, going from green to blue to purple.) While swatching my initial samples, I learned that these colors do not like to be stippled or patted into place. They perform all right, and you can see the colorshift, but sometimes the colorshift is a little less apparent, and the metallic finish isn't nearly as smooth.

This collection contains:

  • Alluring
  • Captivating
  • Enchanting
  • Fantastical
  • Magical
  • Mystical
  • Ravishing

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