elf’s Smoldering review

Posted on Saturday, at bought • 871 views

  • Manufacturer: elf
  • Availability: released as part of elf's Mineral Eyeshadow collection
  • Description: medium cool charcoal pearl
  • Cost/Amount: USD$3 for 0.05 oz / 1.5 grams
  • Would you purchase again: no
elf’s Smoldering

Almost a metallic finish…but not quite. (I don't think.) This color applies cleanly, and can be blended out, but it looks best (in my opinion) when it's applied but not blended or smudged or otherwise thinned.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

A montage of three images: top left, close-up of the eyeshadow in the pot; top right, the eyeshadow mixed with water and applied to bare skin; bottom left, the eyeshadow applied dry over primer.

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