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I've been on Twitter since February 15, 2009 - which is a month and a week after I launched Sparklecrack Central - and I've broken 8K tweets. Some weeks I'm definitely more conversational than others; but I've made several friends via Twitter. Every method of communication has its pluses and minuses. One of Twitter's plus-factors, for me, is that it lets you have multiple synchronous conversations at once...if you can follow them all! Another plus is that these conversations usually involve 2, 3, maybe 4 or 5 people tops. You truly have quick little conversations, not longer talks. Not so great for intense thought-provoking discussions, but great for sharing in-jokes, making quick observations (and doing some crowdsourcing), and other little bits. Though...really, it would be helpful if Twitter could keep focussing on the users, rather than on how to display and best monetize content. "Sponsored trends" my left earlobe! (I use HootSuite as my Twitter client, by the way: it has a free and a paid service level, and while they primarily pitch to businesses or to folks who want to track their tweets and monitor stats, their app does a superb job at letting you monitor multiple accounts, and see whatever streams you want to see, in whatever order you want to see them. And perhaps best of all, with all the Twitter UI changes this year...HootSuite had one major upgrade, and it didn't really change the UI much at all, just added some functionality. How nice is that!!)
I did start my own snapshot reviews of various indie vendors - not because no one else was doing them (because LOTS of folks were) but because I wanted to give my own take on things. Some folks gave more prominence to this or that aspect; others focussed on something that was not relevant to my interests but didn't mention something I would have liked to know; and then of course there's the fact that different people will try different vendors for different reasons. I think I'll do follow-up reviews of vendors, one year after I did their initial reviews. Some I no longer buy from, some I haven't seen anything new, others have picked up a bit more steam and are giving us some really cool things. But it will be interesting to revisit some of the vendors, see how their offerings and / or my perceptions of them have changed over time.
There was drama in the indie MMU world - and, hey, newsflash, water is wet - but I managed to stay out of most of it, or keep well to the fringes. There were some choice bits of silliness that were less easy to ignore, but when one realizes that trolls just want attention, and shit-stirring is the fastest way to get attention, one realizes that the absolute cruelest thing to to ignore these outbursts. And as a happy side effect, one's own blood pressure isn't raised in the slightest.
All in all, I think I had a pretty good year. I got a good schedule going, I re-set my photo production bar a bit higher (though having a new camera helped immensely), I got to meet two really cool beauty bloggers and do a metric fuckload of shopping, I made some great online friends. I'm looking forward to 2012!!!
(Accompanying graphic sourced from, design by Billy Alexander.)
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