Neat things companies do: Meow Cosmetics

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Neat things companies do: Meow Cosmetics

I was writing up Meow's Xmas Rant collection, newly released this November (watch for a review and swatches later this week, from this and three other Meow holiday collections). I was speculating (as one does) on which colors might be a close match for things I already owned, which didn't really work well for me, and which I wanted to get in fullsize. I started to write about how I liked having the option to buy fullsize this year, or wait until the collection makes a re-appearance next year…and the opinion grew. So it gets its own post now.

I've mentioned before how I -=really=- like Meow's policy of bringing seasonal collections back periodically, with some new colors added. That takes the “buy it now!!!” pressure off of me, because I know that if I miss a color this year, it'll be back next year…possibly with a few new friends. It lets me be a bit more leisurely in my choices, severely reduces buyer's remorse, and overall just makes me feel better about buying from them. There's the “ooo, shiny!” reflex that makes us all gather round any new makeup release, debating its merits, how it works with our coloring and color preferences, and soforth. And then there's the knowledge that this collection will be unavailable after a certain point.

With Meow's seasonal collections, I know that if I get samples and like some of the colors enough to buy them in fullsize, I won't have to choose between eating healthy and eating Ramen for a month to get my latest “gotta have it” shadow fix. I know that I can wait, plan my spending, and sure enough, Meow will either surprise us by making a collection permanent (like they did with Egyptian Treasures) or will bring it back same time next year…or every Friday the 13th. They know they could possibly get more money by saying, “These collections are coming out and they're not ever returning!!” Or they know that since so many of us use the colors throughout the year and post our looks online, we're whetting appetites of folks who may only find Meow in February, or even July, but may fall head over heels for this or that Christmas shade. That means that their income spikes could potentially be smaller per customer, but will be a little bit more regular - and may possibly grow, as new customers find the line and see and hear about the amazing Snowflakes, or the fantastic Canna blush, or the wonderfully complex Lost Rainforest shades. They win, because they get a year's worth of advertising and anticipation; and we win, because we get to plan our purchases so that there's no spending remorse or “running out of money before running out of month”. Sure, I'll probably have to wait a year before I get my fullsize colors from the Xmas Rant or Reindeer collections. But until then, I'll have the samples to use; and when I do get them, I won't feel like I was artificially pressured into spending money that I really should have spent elsewhere (or saved.)

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