Saturday Soundtrack: Body Beautiful (Salt n Pepa)

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Saturday Soundtrack: Body Beautiful (Salt n Pepa)

So last week I was flipping through the channels and caught the start of "Too Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar." For days, any song I tried to listen to would mentally be replaced by this. Rather than keep this evanescent joy to myself, I am sharing it with you, my good and dear friends.

Here. Have an ear-worm.

Ear-worm jokes aside (I don't know why this stuck in my brain so persistently after such a short listen!) your beauty does come from within as much as anything that's done externally. Self-confidence and conduct showcase your beauty more tellingly than any airbrushing, concealer, makeup, or carefully-tailored clothing. Anyone with enough time and money can learn how to apply makeup and wear clothing to make themselves look their best; but if they're not a pleasant person, that will only be hidden for so long. True grace shows up in how we treat others. That's a message that can't be easily commoditized, so it tends to get marginalized or outright lost...especially among beauty and fashion blogs. It's great fun to see how we can use makeup and clothing and accessories - we've all effectively found out how to keep playing dress-up well out of our childhood! But if your inner beauty isn't reinforcing your outer beauty, people will figure that out fairly quickly.

Take a few moments to realize the beautiful things you've done this past week: the little extra kindnesses, the compliments you paid people (personal or professional - because who doesn't like hearing a co-worker say that they really did a good job on X, or made a top-notch contribution to Y?) As you go through the weekend, try and be aware of times you could be just a little bit of a better person. (I have to really rein myself in during the commute: no, you CAN NOT go zipping along the shoulder, past all of us creeping along the highway at 15 miles an hour, and then try to get in front of me...ah, go ahead, my destination isn't going anywhere.) Just like it becomes a habit to focus just on our own flaws, or only mention the flaws of others, it can become habit to regularly recognize our strengths, to routinely build others up instead of casually or actively tearing them down. Sometimes, if what you were going to say (or tweet, or post) is your own opinion about something rather than a strict fact, or a way of stating something that focuses on what you infer about the person rather than what you think of the outfit, the color combination, et cetera - then maybe that's something you shouldn't be sharing with world + dog, n'est-ce pas? It reflects more on you than it does on whomever you're attempting to deride...and it may just bounce back on you horribly.

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