Shiro Cosmetics’ A New Leaf Trio collection review

Posted on Tuesday, at bought • 1096 views

  • Manufacturer: Shiro Cosmetics
  • Availability: from the webstore
  • Description: 3 eye colors
  • Cost/Amount: USD$6.00 for 2 gram shadows, $3.50 for 1 gram, $1 for a 1/4 teaspoon sample
  • Would you purchase again: yes
Shiro Cosmetics’ A New Leaf Trio collection

I knew I wanted these three as soon as they came available! Well…definitely the red and the pale yellow. Maybe not quite so much the green, but it looked like a green I could wear. All three colors have the standard Shiro high pigmentation, and for those who may be concerned, the green is closer to a “fresh spring grass” than a “new leaf” - not quite so bright as ‘neon’ shades, more a neutral green than yellow-leaning.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

Shiro Cosmetics’ A New Leaf Trio collection

This collection contained:

  • Alpaca Picnic
  • Canine Help You
  • Forever A-Loan

All three of the names are puns, but it took me a long time before I grokked the first one. (I blame it on my work-team at the time, whose team mascot was a puppet-alpaca.)

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