Sugarpill’s Birthday Girl review

Posted on Saturday, at bought • 706 views

  • Manufacturer: Sugar Pill
  • Availability: part of the regular Loose Shadows line
  • Description: gilded rose pink shimmer
  • Cost/Amount: USD$12 for 4.5 grams
  • Would you purchase again: yes
Sugarpill’s Birthday Girl

I think that I have some loose eyeshadows that are close to this, from other vendors - I'm not entirely sure, but I wouldn't be surprised. Sugarpill costs less per ounce than any of the indies I've purchased, though - so if you really really want this shade of pink and want a lot of it, Sugarpill is possibly the best value. This color has better coverage than the other two Sugarpill colors I've reviewed, Stella and Tiara.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

A montage of three images: top left, close-up of the eyeshadow in the pot; top right, the eyeshadow mixed with water and applied to bare skin; bottom left, the eyeshadow applied dry over primer.

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