Sugarpill’s Goldilux review

Posted on Monday, at bought • 782 views

  • Manufacturer: Sugar Pill
  • Availability: part of the regular Loose Shadows line
  • Description: metallic gold sparkle
  • Cost/Amount: USD$12 for 4.5 grams
  • Would you purchase again: no
Sugarpill’s Goldilux

When I first started buying Sugarpill's Chroma Lust loose-powder eyeshadows, and swatched them, I didn't understand the excitement for them, particularly for Goldilux. The first colors that I tried out were not the best in terms of color payoff, and so I wondered…these are bloggers who I know personally. They get excited over new releases just like the rest of us, but they don't generally go in for the ‘cult of personality' indie-beauty fandom. They don't keep genuinely enthusing over something unless it's really great somehow. So what was going on here?

...well, now I get it.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

A montage of three images: top left, close-up of the eyeshadow in the pot; top right, the eyeshadow mixed with water and applied to bare skin; bottom left, the eyeshadow applied dry over primer.

The color is gorgeous, and unlike some of the other Chroma Lust shadows that I've tried, application is even with no clumping or thin patches.

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