Winter Giveaway #2: Winter Wonderland

Posted on Friday, at • 471 views

Please pardon the gaps...

The site is in mid-migration now (manual migration of over 7,000 entries, so there's a lot to be done.) The entry stubs are created for older content, but for the most part, the actual content isn't there quite yet. I am working on it. Unfortunately I have no ETA. But feel free to link to any page! When the content does get populated, the URL will stay the same.

Winter Giveaway #2: Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland Giveaway winner chosen with

December 31, 2010: Contest is closed - congratulations to the winner kimmiekarmalove!

The second of my three winter giveaways (the first closes on December 15th!) This giveaway is open to anyone, US or international. This prize includes:

  • Philosophy's Sparkle and Joy kit
  • Wet n Wild Pixie Holiday ColorIcon palettes in Snow Sprite, Night Elf, and Sugar Plum Fairy
  • China Glaze's Little Drummer Boy
Miscellaneous: Sparklecrack Central's Winter Wonderland giveaway prizes

A quick note: I've decided, forget it, I have giveaways so infrequently that I'd rather just pay the extra shipping to send a package via UPS if it's overseas. (And that will cost me...quite a bit.) So I' it if you would click on my Sigma Affiliate link if you intend to purchase from them? They've got lovely brushes, some truly excellent travel kits. (Do yourself a favor: just buy one of the travel kits, THEN start buying other brushes you may want. My first Sigma order, I bought three of the brushes that are in the travel kits. Now I want one of those travel-kit bags with the zippered interior pouch, but Sigma doesn't sell the bags by themselves. And since I own three of the brushes already, I can't justify the purchase.)

To qualify, you have to meet these four minimum points:

  1. You must be a registered member of the site by 11:59pm, December 15th 2010 Pacific time. (Are you too late for this contest? Don't worry - there are more! Register now to be eligible, and keep an eye on the site!)
  2. You must contribute twice, either a comment or a rating on any two posts - in addition to this post - between December 16th and December 31st (the date of the drawing). You must be logged in when leaving your comments or ratings so that I can more quickly verify your activity. You don't have to rate a recent product or entry - it can be one of the oldest entries on the site. You can rate a kit, an individual item, many of my op-ed rants, the looks that I've done...anything that displays the ratings dropdown in the upper right hand corner of the post.
  3. Follow me on Twitter (@sparklecrackHQ).
  4. Comment in this post, noting your member name, when you signed up, and your Twitter name.

For up to three additional chances to win, participate more and spread the word, and leave one comment on this post with links to your participation:

  1. one additional ticket: leave an eyecolor combination for me to wear on Dance Monkey Mondays. I've got the gallery up and running now, so even if you don't know the colors by name, you now have pictures. Maximum of one combination left between December 16th and December 31st, and not left by someone else, will count as one additional "ticket".
  2. one additional ticket: tweet about this giveaway. Leave a link to your tweet in the comment section of this post.
  3. one additional ticket: mention my site on your site - the Dance Monkey Mondays, the giveaways, anything. You can either have a one-off entry, or a link in your sidebar. You can mention me on your blog, or on Facebook, either one - but you need to leave a link, and it must be something that's publicly visible. Leave a link to your mention in the comment section of this post.

Want to check out some other great blogs? Check out the Light It Up December 2010 Blog Hop, hosted by Project Danielle!

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