NYX Cosmetics’ Jumbo Eye Pencil in Cherry review

Posted on Friday, at bought • 1647 views

  • Manufacturer: NYX Cosmetics (owned by L'Oréal)
  • Availability: part of the Jumbo Eye Pencil collection
  • Description: primary cherry-red creme
  • Cost/Amount: USD$4.50 for .18 ounces / 5 grams
  • Would you purchase again: yes - but only from etailers, because the tubes aren't sealed
NYX Cosmetics’ Jumbo Eye Pencil in Cherry

Yet another gorgeous primary shade, yet another that seems not to be carried by any of the brick-and-mortar stores that stock NYX Cosmetics - nor is it really easy to find on etailer sites any longer. I can't find any solid leads on why Hot Pink, Yellow, Orange, and Cherry are perennially out of stock or discontinued…but I have backups of backups, and I Am Prepared. (Damn you NYX for getting me hooked on something amazing and then taking it away! Damn you thrice!!) Before I started wearing makeup much, I would have thought that bright primary yellow, vivid hot pink, or cherry red were NOT colors that I would voluntarily put on my lids in great quantities, let alone use as a base color. But here I am, all stockpiled on those four shades (along with orange, which also seems to be available only sporadically.) The red looks really good with my coloring, and I haven't experienced any skin-staining. Then again, I don't apply anything to my lids without a primer, or it slides off in a matter of hours.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

A montage of three images: top left, close-up of the eyeliner tube or pencil barrel; top right, the eyeliner applied over bare skin, to better show the shade and properties; and below, the eyeliner applied on the eyelid at the lash line.

About the only thing I dislike about these NYX eye pencils is that they're not easy to sharpen. The casing is sometimes wood-like, sometimes plastic, and it resists being sharpened. Hopefully NYX will change their jumbo shadow pencils so that they work more like Tarte's Lipsurgence pencils: twist the bottom, and more product comes out the top. Yes folks would still need to do a little whittling to get a sharp edge on the tip, but there'd be less product wasted. (And if they do this…maybe they'll bring back Cherry? Please? Pretty please?)

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