B2D2 LinkList: July 7 - July 13, 2014

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The #bbloggers chat topic on June 29 was a great one: hyped products that don't measure up, and dupes for prestige and high-end items (topic suggested by UK beauty and fashion blogger Eesha.) Unfortunately, with its 140 character limit, Twitter doesn't allow room for people to explain why a product didn't work for them.

B2D2 is a weekly blog project, running through the end of 2014, for sharing your beauty dupes (product alternates or even direct replacements) and disappointments (they didn't live up to the hype). Take time to explain precisely why a product didn't work for you, why another product worked better for you (or was a better value) and if you know of dupes or near-substitutes, list those out as well. Anything is fair game, from haircare products to eyeshadows to primers and foundation to brushes and tools.

B2D2 LinkList: July 7 - July 13, 2014

There are very few rules to participation:

  • please link to your weekly 'dupes and disappointments' post, not to your site's front page
  • one post per week, no exceptions
  • use the hashtag #beautydupes on Facebook and Twitter (and on your site, if you tag your entries)
  • ** invite your readers to join in by adding this LinkList to your page (not required)
  • ** follow Liann and Eesha on Twitter (not required)

Do you have a certain product or type of product that you want peoples’ opinions on? Leave a note on the weekly B2D2 post, or at the bottom of your own writeup. When publicizing your posts on social media, use the hashtag #beautydupes so that everyone’s posts will be easy to find.


Add this LinkList to your own page.

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