Color Club’s Element of Surprise review

Posted on Wednesday, at bought • 1364 views

  • Manufacturer: Color Club
  • Availability: part of the Retrograde Rising collection
  • Description: light blue with an orange-pink duotone shimmer
  • Cost/Amount: USD$10 for 15 ml / .5 fl oz
  • Would you purchase again: no
Color Club’s Element of Surprise

This color is simlar to China Glaze Pearl Jammin’ (of which I have several bottles.) But…I like Pearl Jammin’ much better. Element of Surprise is still not opaque after three coats! You can clearly see the nail line, and also those areas on my thumbnail where the polish fills in some near-permanent divots. (Those “dents” do eventually grow out, but it’s a months-long process.) The duotone is pretty strong, and looks either more pink or more copper, depending on the lighting and surroundings.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

Close-up photo of the middle three fingernails of the left hand, showing the nail color applied. Color Club's Element of Surprise Four fingers in a row, resting on the thumb, with all nails displaying 2 coats of Color Club's Element of Surprise

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