Posted on Sunday, at • 498 views
The site is in mid-migration now (manual migration of over 7,000 entries, so there's a lot to be done.) The entry stubs are created for older content, but for the most part, the actual content isn't there quite yet. I am working on it. Unfortunately I have no ETA. But feel free to link to any page! When the content does get populated, the URL will stay the same.
There's a coffee chain that (surprise, surprise) has a branch very near my home. I generally go there only when my next-door neighbor invites me out for coffee and a chat, because while their stuff is good, it's not the best in the world…and because I don't love their business practices. (And because - hey, I own a coffee maker and don't need to pay upwards of $3 for a mocha.) But during the winter holidays when they sell their seasonal drinks, all bets are off. During gingerbread latte season, I am their willing - nay, gleeful - slave.
Part of the One Year Eyecolor Challenge (new colors used: 4)
Pictures coming as soon as I find my camera. This is actually yesterday's look - but after heading to this coffee chain for my daily fix, I came home and got very busy with laundry and dishes and forgot to post my look. I also managed to put my camera some place...but I forgot where.
On my daily pilgrimage yesterday, I did a few things: I bought myself two bottles of gingerbread syrup so that I might add some to my daily home coffee even after they end gingerbread latte season this year; and I wore my favorite cynical tee shirt. It's one I bought years ago from someone selling them out of a backpack. It has this coffee chain's logo on it...but instead of the text around the circumference displaying this chain's name, it reads "Soy Latte Is People".
Edit: found the camera!!
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