Sally Hansen’s Royal Hue (469) review

Posted on Wednesday, at bought • 2043 views

  • Manufacturer: Sally Hansen
  • Availability: part of the Xtreme Wear collection
  • Description: medium bright cornflower-blue creme
  • Cost/Amount: USD$4.99 for 11.8 ml / .4 fl oz
  • Would you purchase again: yes
Sally Hansen’s Royal Hue (469)

When Pacific Blue was reformulated, and its color changed…I (and many others) were less than thrilled. The original Pacific Blue was a huge favorite, and for a lot of folks, was their first and/or favorite blue nail polish. In spring/summer of 2015, Sally Hansen added this shade, Royal Hue, to their Xtreme Wear line. It’s close to the original Pacific Blue, but it’s not an exact duplicate, like I thought (hoped!!!) when I picked it up a few months ago. It’s a bright cornflower blue creme, it applies very well, it doesn’t stain my nails or cuticles, and it has the standard Xtreme Wear durability.

Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches

Close-up photo of the middle three fingernails of the left hand, showing the nail color applied. Sally Hansen's Royal Hue Four fingers in a row, resting on the thumb, with all nails displaying 2 coats of Sally Hansen's Royal Hue

Nail A College Dropout has an excellent post showing Pacific Blue and Royal Hue swatched side by side. Royal Hue is a very nice shade. It’s not quite as saturated as the original Pacific Blue, and it’s just a tiny bit lighter. But Royal Hue is an excellent polish, and is extremely affordable, and is fairly easy to find.

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