Posted on Tuesday, at • bought • 1764 views
For those wondering about the manufacturer: I listed both companies because L’Oreal has owned Maybelline since 1996, when they purchased the brand to get access to the mass cosmetics market (interesting, since these days I see L’Oreal sold in the same stores, alongside Maybelline…but no matter.) These Color Tattoos have been compared favorably to MAC’s Paint Pots in terms of formula, consistency, and longevity. And since these are $10.95 for .14 ounces ($78.21 per ounce) while MAC’s paint pots are $18 for .17 ounces ($105.88 per ounce)...the Color Tattoos are a highly similar product with a more diverse range of colors, and a better value.
Photos that show how the product actually performs...! See how I create my swatches
The packaging is even similar to paint pots: glass jars with a good heft to them, solid enough to withstand being knocked off a bathroom counter and not crack or chip. And the lids aren't domed! One of the things I like least about the paint pots (and fluidliners) is that their domed lids prevent me from storing them stacked atop one another. I had to put them each individual jar in their own little separate cubby, which wasted space in my storage containers. The Color Tattoo jars are more like the Stila and Benefit jars, with the hefty glass, squared base, and flat-topped lids for ease of storage. The jars initially come wrapped in an outer heat-seal, rather than in an individual box (the way the others do.) To me this lets you easily see the color, but it's also less wasteful packaging. It also provides the product an extra seal against moisture loss. I've bought a few creaseless cream shadows and smudge pots where the product has pulled away from the sides of the jars, due to drying out while it was sitting on the shelf. You'll want to make sure to keep the lids tightly sealed, and if at all possible keep them out of areas of extreme temperature fluctuation. So no storing your jars lined up on the window sill, where the sun will heat them up each day (causing product expansion and contraction, lid loosening, product drying, and general not-good-things.)
This collection contained:
In another similarity with MAC's paint pots, the frost-finish colors tend to be a little bit less opaque. They apply just slightly patchier unless you use a primer beneath them. I don't know that I'll be getting the white frost, nor the orange (I just don't love the way that color looks on me.)
In addition to the three "waves" above, there have been LE collections (and it's a little terrifying to realize that I have so many of these - in fact, there's only one, Stroke of Midnight, that I never bothered to buy.)
or look at other entries tagged with Brand: Maybelline, collection
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